Whether you’re an experienced boat owner or a total newbie to the boating world, it’s crucial to keep up with safety basics. Accidents can happen in many ways out on the water, but these essential safety tips can help to prevent disaster.
1. Take a Boat Safety Course
A new boat owner needs a boating safety course. Most courses are just one day and cover everything from basic steering, docking, and equipment to emergency boating skills such as how to call for help, who to ask for, and how to identify yourself. Experienced operators should also brush up on their basic skills from time to time.
2. Wear a Life Jacket
It might not be stylish, but it’s safe. There are many reasons why a competent swimmer may end up in the water unable to fend for themselves, and a life jacket can make the difference between funny memory and total disaster.
3. Have Rules on Your Boat
You expect everyone in your car to wear a seat belt and observe other basic safety behavior. Have the same expectations on your boat. Expect every passenger to wear a life vest. If you have guests on your boat, teach them how to sail safely, including a crash course on emergency boating skills to ensure they know how to get help if necessary.
Boating is a wonderful pastime for many people. Keep your favorite activity safe by staying up to date on boating safety.