Why Your Marina Needs Formal Backfilling Agreements

You may have some informal strategies you’ve relied on in the past to help fill marina spots that open up unexpectedly. However, the most reliable and productive choice may be to develop a conscious strategy for maintaining high occupancy, incorporating with formal agreements with boat owners.

Making Maximum Use of Your Time

Even if you have numerous ideas for how to backfill open marina spots, you don’t have unlimited time to spend on making such arrangements. Having a defined backfilling plan including options from most preferred to less preferred saves you headaches, time, and unnecessary phone calls. Plus, well-publicized incentives for existing customers to let their spots be used can encourage boaters to communicate their plans early and often, for your mutual benefit.

Promoting Your Marina and Services

Establishing a formal plan for backfilling a marina can actually become a marketing point for your business. Providing benefits and incentives for existing customers to participate in your plan highlights the fact that your business respects and values boaters. Many of your clientele will be able to appreciate the professionalism displayed by your intention to maximize your marina’s efficiency. Additionally, if your backfilling strategy involves the planned use of slips in your service yard, you are simultaneously giving greater visibility to your repair and maintenance services.

Being agile enough to backfill on short notice will always be necessary, but a deliberate plan that includes partnering with existing clients will take the pressure off you while making your services more your marina more attractive and productive.